Restorative Dentistry Toowoomba

Quality dental restoration

If we diagnose dental decay which has penetrated through the enamel of your tooth, or your tooth is cracking, chipping or wearing down, we may suggest restorations to prevent pain, problems and future tooth loss. The most common restorative material we use is called composite resin which is a tooth coloured material which is bonded to your tooth to restore it to health and function. This material is colour matched to your tooth, placed in layers and cured with a blue wavelength of light. In most cases a composite resin restoration lasts between 5-8 years depending on factors such as risk of decay and the bite forces of the individual. If the tooth needs more extensive restoration, we may recommend a laboratory fabricated restoration called a crown, bridge, inlay or onlay.

Some restorations can be done purely to improve the aesthetics of a tooth/teeth and these can include composite resin veneers or bonding which are relatively inexpensive and can make a huge difference in the appearance of a smile.

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Dental Treatments Toowoomba