Emergencies happen!
Regular preventative dental care helps to maintain good oral health, but sometimes dental emergencies can still happen. Dental emergencies can range from a chipped tooth, broken teeth or fillings which may be rough to the tongue, toothaches, dental infections, or even avulsed or knocked out teeth. We try to ensure that if you have a dental emergency, we see you as soon as we possibly can. As a group practice, all of the clinicians are happy to help in the event of a dental emergency, so you may be offered an appointment with a clinician who is not your regular dentist. In an emergency appointment, we focus on the problem at hand and spend our time diagnosing the problem and providing treatment that can help relieve pain or stabilise your condition. We usually then need to make further appointments to complete the required treatment. If you are stuck on a weekend and need advice you can message through our Facebook page and we will respond as soon as possible.